Help STOP Pro-Abortion Advocates From Legalizing All Abortions in PA!

The overturning of Roe v. Wade was an answer to prayer.

But rather than work to defend life in Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro and the anti-life Democrats in Harrisburg are pushing legislation to codify Roe in state law and our Constitution, and increase taxpayer funding for abortions!

And with Joanna McClinton and pro-aborts in control of the Pennsylvania House and a razor thin Republican majority in the Pennsylvania Senate, we can’t take anything for granted!

If they are successful, the number of abortions will EXPLODE at the exact same time other states are ending the barbaric practice of abortion for good.

Help fight for the babies! Sign the official petition to your State Representative and State Senator telling them that you expect them to stand up for life and VOTE NO on every single pro-abortion bill that comes up in the General Assembly!

Once you’ve signed your petition, please prayerfully consider a generous donation to Right to Life Pennsylvania, so we can identify and mobilize an army of pro-life activists to stop abortion in Pennsylvania!